Crystals for Creativity
Manifest your creative energy
An Intro to Crystals for Creativity
While the concept of “being creative” may mean different things to different people, usually when we’re referring to the topic of creativity, we’re talking about experiences of innovation, originality, inspiration, imagination, and artistic expression. Creativity is natural to our human experience; we are born with this innate quality and characteristic. Kids are easily and effortlessly creative and imaginative. And yet, along the way, our inherent creativity can become obscured or diminished in favor of other ways of being. Out of fear, we may not want to stand out from the crowd and instead choose to hide our own unique creativity from the world’s judgment. We may become too busy with adulting; favoring the more mundane and responsible aspects of our lives over the imaginative. Some people even experience creative blocks because of criticism they once faced in relation to their work output. As a result, these blocked creatives stifle their own imaginative, artistic instincts in an (often unconscious) attempt to avoid rejection, pain, and negative feelings. No matter what your experience may be, what you may have chosen to believe about your abilities, or what you may have decided the term means, creativity is a state of being that is available to all of us. Just like love! We merely need to activate the vibration of it in order to have more access to its flow.
If you’re looking to reconnect with your creativity, here are some crystals and stones which may be particularly helpful for you to work with:
As creativity is often associated with receiving ideas and imaginings as if from another realm, it is beneficial to intentionally open up your intuitive, creative channels in order to receive inspiration. Fluorite is known to clear out all the unnecessary mental clutter and lower vibrational thoughts you may psychically absorb throughout your day. It allows you to be more open and receptive to innovative ideas; reminding you of who you really are and who you are not. Fluorite is also great for worriers, procrastinators, perfectionists, or anyone who lets their fears and anxiety get in the way of their creative output. Keep a piece of Fluorite near your workstation or wear a piece of Fluorite as jewelry when you’re ready to tackle a new project. It can assist you with releasing old concepts and beliefs about yourself and your work; paving the way for you to experience the joyful freedom of creative expression.
Carnelian is a powerful stone to work with when it comes to inspiration and motivation. Connected with the sacral chakra and our center of fertility, sensuality, and desire; it helps light the creative fires within us and keeps them lit, by encouraging us to maintain our creative practices and actions. Carnelian can be a real confidence booster; allowing us to acknowledge our natural talents and reconnect with our true, heart-centered desires. Work with Carnelian when you need to remember why you are pursuing your creativity in the first place: the freedom and pleasure of engaging in creative work. Carnelian helps us fall back in love with the creative process.
Jaspers are known for their nurturing and stabilizing properties; a great stone to call on for grounded, energetic support. As Mookaite is a variety of Jasper, it carries these soothing qualities in addition to its unique ability to connect us with our own inner, childlike spirit. As a result, Mookaite is a potent creativity crystal as it gently but firmly eases us back into our most freely creative selves. Those looking to inject more playfulness into their creative practices, or to bring a sense of youthful optimism to their work, will definitely want to keep Mookaite nearby. It is also a great stone for anyone actively working through creative resistance or inner child healing, as it possesses a steady, peaceful, and encouraging vibration.
Citrine is connected with the solar plexus chakra and the center of the personality-self. Often, we experience issues with our flow of imagination, writer’s block, or creative performance anxiety because we’ve allowed our fear and negative self-beliefs to get in the way of our natural – and freely creative – state of being. Working with Citrine can help clear energy blockages within the solar plexus chakra; instilling a deeper trust in one’s own unique and eclectic combination of skills and traits. It reminds us of the type of creativity that feels most natural to us and encourages us to pursue our soul-aligned goals. Citrine is particularly helpful for entrepreneurs and anyone seeking the courage to express more of their innovative ideas in the workplace.
Clear Quartz
And there you have it: five of the best crystals for creativity! While the crystals listed here are particularly helpful for amplifying the vibration of free-flowing creativity in your life, always trust your intuition if you feel drawn to a certain crystal or stone. It may be just the thing you need to work with at the moment!
Disclaimer: Please consult a healthcare professional for any medical advice. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.